Editing for Upstream

I've been invited to join the Upstream blog's editorial team – I am happy to announce that from now on I'll be working with Ginny Hendricks, Christine Ferguson, Martin Fenner, and John Chodacki to bring new content on the blog.
Launched in February 2022, the blog's purpose is as
a new space for open enthusiasts to discuss open approaches to scholarly communication.
I colloquially call it the anti-Scholarly Kitchen - but it probably doesn't serve as an adequate analogy. Why define yourself as anti something if you want to move beyond it and make it obsolete? But then again, anti-fascism works perfectly as something else I stand for.
In my role as editor I will particularly be focusing on getting new perspectives and insights into the Upstream blog that regard the distribution of power in research and society.
I'll be starting off by focusing on contributions to ramp up discussion towards this year's Open Access week's theme: Open for climate justice.
Got content ideas? Please feel encouraged to send me a pitch on chris@libscie.org – I am happy to consider your ideas for the Upstream blog.
If you don't feel comfortable sharing your pitch, I especially encourage you to get in touch. I will take into consideration whether you're widely published already. I will provide more space for marginalized voices to decenter white, straight, non-disabled voices.
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