Editor for JOSS

I am pleased to announce that I am starting as an editor for the Journal of Open Source Software (JOSS) (as of August 1st, 2021).
Despite my motto "journals won't solve the problems journals cause", JOSS is doing one of the best jobs possible within this space. Free to publish, free to read, well managed costs, and a strong commitment to open scholarly infrastructure.
In the demonstration of the backend I received from editor-in-chief Arfon Smith, it shows that JOSS has a modern interface for editors - much more modern than something like Manuscript Central. I'm looking forward to explore this - if you're interested in this let me know and I might do a longer post on that 😊
In any case, I look forward to contributing to this excellent journal. I strongly encourage people to sign up for reviewing if this fits your scope ✌️
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